Table: aws_ecs_task_definitions
This table shows data for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Task Definitions.
The primary key for this table is arn.
Name | Type |
_cq_id | uuid |
_cq_parent_id | uuid |
account_id | utf8 |
region | utf8 |
arn (PK) | utf8 |
tags | json |
compatibilities | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
container_definitions | json |
cpu | utf8 |
deregistered_at | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
ephemeral_storage | json |
execution_role_arn | utf8 |
family | utf8 |
inference_accelerators | json |
ipc_mode | utf8 |
memory | utf8 |
network_mode | utf8 |
pid_mode | utf8 |
placement_constraints | json |
proxy_configuration | json |
registered_at | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
registered_by | utf8 |
requires_attributes | json |
requires_compatibilities | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
revision | int64 |
runtime_platform | json |
status | utf8 |
task_definition_arn | utf8 |
task_role_arn | utf8 |
volumes | json |
Example Queries
These SQL queries are sampled from CloudQuery policies and are compatible with PostgreSQL.
Amazon ECS task definitions should have secure networking modes and user definitions
'Amazon ECS task definitions should have secure networking modes and user definitions'
AS title,
arn AS resource_id,
WHEN network_mode = 'host'
AND (c->>'Privileged')::BOOL IS NOT true
AND (c->>'User' = 'root' OR (c->>'User') IS NULL)
THEN 'fail'
ELSE 'pass'
AS status
jsonb_array_elements(aws_ecs_task_definitions.container_definitions) AS c;